With an impressive 20 plus year journey in web development, ZenKal has carved out a niche as a trusted advisor and solutions provider for small businesses and startups. Navigating the industry's many transformations, from the infancy of static HTML to the complexities of modern, data-driven architectures, ZenKal has consistently prioritized scalable and cost-effective solutions tailored to meet the unique challenges of emerging companies. Possessing a versatile skill set that encompasses a myriad of programming languages, frameworks, and cutting-edge technologies, ZenKal excels in turning abstract business visions into concrete, high-performing digital assets. His vast experience and tailored approach make ZenKal an unparalleled asset in empowering small businesses to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Building on this specialized expertise in aiding small businesses and startups, ZenKal took the visionary step of launching a coaching enterprise to cultivate the upcoming wave of tech-savvy entrepreneurs and business leaders. Understanding the specific challenges and needs of fledgling businesses, the coaching curriculum is meticulously designed to impart not just technical skills but also strategic insights for sustainable growth. ZenKal taps into his two decades of hands-on experience to offer a well-rounded educational platform that covers both technical best practices and essential emotional skills such as fears, anxiety, and self-care. This coaching venture serves as an extension of ZenKal's commitment to enriching the business ecosystem, effectively bridging the gap between aspirational business leaders and the practical demands of starting and scaling a small business in today's digital age.

Embracing discomfort is the crucible in which innovation and self-discovery are forged. To remain within the confines of familiarity is to forfeit the boundless opportunities that lie in uncharted territories. When we summon the courage to confront our fears, we do not merely transcend limitations but redefine them, turning erstwhile obstacles into stepping stones for future endeavors.

Zenkal Philosophy

Areas of Expertise (Tech)


Application Planning

Application Development

Technology Proofing

Areas of Expertise (Business Coaching)

Business Setup

Business Foundation

Emotional Strength

Goal Planning